
Hi. Welcome to my card


My name is Olette, Olly for shorter. I'm a genderfluid, autosexual, prep cook, artist, and writer. I'm working on a few projects on the side, so let's see how that goes. I'm just one of many members of winged system so keep in mind I'm not the only one in this beautiful body


Below are a list of fandoms I lurk aroundFateFire EmblemThe world ends with youFinal fantasyKingdom heartsDragalia LostLegoStarsetArknightsMiraculous LadybugAvatar the last air benderOtherside PicnicYuri... in general. I'm gaySpy x FamilyProject MoonJust a taste of what you'll find


I'm gonna dedicate a section to pronouns, and general queerness cause I feel like it. I'm gender fluid and I go by pretty much any pronouns. She/Her, They/Them, Ey/Em, Fae/Faer Stin/Sting are what I usually use. Really all I ask is not to use He/HimSo with that said this is an LGBT friendly place. If that's a rub, bye

Don't interact

These feel like things I don't need to say but, I learned the hard way I need to. Pedophiles are not welcome here. Transmedicalists, "gender critical" or any other terf adjacents are also not welcome here either. Oh and if my wonderful melonin has you feeling some kind of negative way, just go. If you're a non black who spends most of their time on here policing how black people react to racism, you can fuck off. And I know I'm beautiful, but you have to make your peace with it never working out sooner rather than laterThese came from experience if you couldn't tell

Fave list

Here are a few of my fav characters and reasons why I like themSetsuna - Fire Emblem Fates ~ I relate to her ditzy stoner like personality. As a ditzy person myself. She's kinda like my meme and my avatar. I've taken her in as my ownAccelerator - Toaru series ~ Relatability again. The idea of wanting to gain power so you're not weak resonatesCat Noir - Miraculous Ladybug ~ He acts before he thinks but like cats he usually lands on his feet and I like that about him. And no one keeps him in the loop. RelatableSumi - Persona 5 ~ Is mostly here cause I get the imposter syndrome and desire to be something you're not. And I like that she grows from that and sees the whole thing as part of her healing journeyThat's a lot to say for a character who is ok at best for 80% of the storyClytie Van Gogh - Fate Grand Order ~ She's an anxious conflicted mess. I just really want to protect her since she really reminds me of myself in so many waysMym - Dragalia Lost ~ She's hot. No but fr I like her passion and love for Euden. Puts a smile on my face and reminds me of those who I love and love meSorawo Kamikoshi - Otherside Picnic ~ We both had pretty rough upbringings. I wasn't brought into a cult, and I didn't plan a murder suicide, but I am a psych survivor and I do have a habit of saying fucked up shit that happened to me like it's normal and no big deal. And I'm gay and want to be alone in another world with my significant othersYor Forger - Spy X Family ~ Relatability again. I will not elaborate